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as its āstras the
苏婆呼经根本部  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
oily flavour  detail>>
four famous āstras
四论  detail>>
the sūtras and āstras
经论  detail>>
 pron.  〔it的所有格〕它的,其。 the plan and its realization 计划及其实施。  detail>>
moist  detail>>
the hīnayāna āstras or abhidharma
小乘论  detail>>
and are on its payroll
工资发放名册  detail>>
and its supplement the
大慧语录  detail>>
as its vinaya the
大毗卢舍那金刚顶经  detail>>
at its high
高点  detail>>
at its low
低点  detail>>
at its peak
在高峰时期  detail>>
in its entirety
全部地 全面, 完整, 全体, 全部 全面地  detail>>
in its integrity
完整无缺  detail>>
is its flow
生死流  detail>>
its abyss
生死渊  detail>>